Thursday, December 22, 2011

Is it o.k. for another tenant to block my car in so I can't get out of my driveway?

I share a home (duplex) with another tenant. He has a space for his car (and enough space for someone to park their car in back (his friend or whomever)..............Then there is a space for the landlord and his truck and then one for space isn't really big enough for two cars but mine fits just fine; so that is no issue. The issue is this........Instead of the other tenants "guests" parking on the road, they park in back of me sideways (so they are just off the road and blocking me in. There is no possible way to get my car out unless I go to the other side of the house and ask them to move. My job requires me to "get up and go" sometimes within a few minutes notice (I work as a coordinator of specific services).......anyway........I don't want to have to go up and go pound on their door and ask for them to move for me every time..........who knows if I'll even have a space when I get back..............I asked the landlord what to do because I am frankly sick of complaining about everything they "rudely" do. He said to just park so far back that no one could possibly park in back of me. O.K. that sounds good. I'll try that tomorrow.........................Hopeful… I won't get a call tonight because the neighbors and I do not get along and I really don't want to deal with them. I'm not crazy about rude people. When our lease is up; we will probably look elsewhere..probably rent a small two bedroom house if we can find one....but that will be 3/4 of a year from now.............just trying to survive until then............


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