Saturday, December 17, 2011

I had a really bad dream lastbight/morning what does it mean?

So you started in a safe setting..backyard with family. Then enters a boy who is a stranger. You give him kindness and your time..try to help him when a minor problem arises. Then AFTER he sees you shirtless by accident..his brains are falling out, he's embarred and runs..your family member is appalled by his "appearance". And you run away freaked out. This is about your first experience with a somewhat ual nature. If it hasn't already happened it simply represents your fears of being "exposed" to a boy and the reactions he will have as well as your family and your subsequent reactions as well. Of course there won't be any brain just represents that after you expose yourself to him..both physically and emotionally he will become unattractive to you probably because of your fear of your family's reaction to your actions.


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