Thursday, December 15, 2011

Buying a camera?

HI Gleenn. Sorry no one has been able to answer your question so far, but I just tried to look for you and could not find anything about it either. But there is more to my message than that. If you cannot find a review written for it anywhere, Don't Buy It. There are literally hundreds of other brand name cameras on the shelves that DO have reviews. Check on the site ( The site has most all of the newest and latest digital cameras, pictures of all of them and current reviews to let you know which is best for you. They hire professional photographers to field test the cameras and come back and make their reports so that consumers can make intelligent decisions on which camera to settle on. I would like to mention that perhaps Samsung is not one of the more popular cameras and might not be the sturdiest of all that you could choose from. Hope that can help a little. :) Thanks for reading MY answer... it was a pleasure. Happy camera hunting, too.


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