Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Contacts lenses prescription?

So i went to get contacts fitting today(i have distance prescription gles already). When i went she had me wear contacts with my gles prescription and went back and did some fittings(however you call it) after reading through the handheld gl that she had(again, i don't know what its called) she went back and gave me a different one. (i think it said 0.50 can't remember if it was negative or positive but i want to say negative cos my reading gles is +0.50). Anyways both contacts are the same as in both were the 0.50. but i know for a fact that i see better out of one eye. also my gles prescription i got last year has me @ -0.75R and -1.00L. I noticed that when i was driving back home, i could hardly see the signs they were not just blurry but my eyes didn't focus right(without gles everything that is not a solid object is blurry and lights don't focus) but With glasses, everything is sharp, focus and i can actually see the street sign and the name before i approach them. I was having a hard time with this contact i actually had to put my glasses back on to see the street signs and all that. I guess my main question is "Is this normal?". I have a week before i go back and she gives the prescription.


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