Thursday, December 15, 2011

What do you think of this......?

I dumped my bf because of a ealy stupid reason, people were making fun of my bf going out wit me and i felt guilty about it so i dumped him anyway i miss him like crazy and want him back so a few weeks ago i had a halloween party and i invited him, we were getin on great, he flirted wit me all night, watched my bum all night and then he pushed me hal way into a rose bush so i had to grab hold of him and then he hugged me, i thought he was gonna ask me back out but he didnt, now yesteday ive just ound out that another guy who was at my partywho has a thing for me was outside with my ex bf and my ex bf said he was gonna ask me back out but then this other guy said he loved me so he didnt, i want to ask him back out but i'm realy nervous hel say no and i keep chickening out of it cause at school we don't talk much, thoughts?


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