Monday, December 12, 2011

Got hit to concussion for no reason?

Friday night I've been out with allot of friends to a club in south africa, I had a few drink and few tequilas! but just being myself, flirting here and there, nothing serious! I danced with one of my old school friends and after the dance me and some friends just stood there and chatted with her! The next moment n mive guy came from the side and hit me like it felt if every single bone in my face broke. The next thing that I could remember was waking up in bed! My friends said that it was a bouncer that hit me, and that it look liked a guy that didn't like me talking to that girl set him up! Having a serious concussion now what is going to keep me out of my job for a while is a big issue for me. Do you think I should just leave it and forget about it or try and do something about it!


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