Monday, December 12, 2011

Natural remedies for Luteal Phase Defect....?

have been keeping track of my cycle and days post ovulation. I just started a new cycle on Oct 1. My last cycle started on Aug 31, Ovulation test showed positive for ovulation on Sept 19. Which means that my cycle started 11 dpo. Could I have Luteal Phase Defect? We are aactively trying to conceive our second child. I had to seek a fertility specialist after trying for over a year (the first time). Dr stated my follicles were not getting large enough to conceive. 4 rounds of clomid with negative result. 1 round of injections, got pregnant had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and we conceive our daughter naturally right after the miscarriage. Both fertility specialist I seen in the past never diagnosed me with anything. Does it sound like I might have Luteal Phase Defect??? Is there anything natural I can take or do to help increase follicle size and luteal Phase length to increase my chances of conceiving naturally? Please share your stories...


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