Saturday, December 17, 2011

Anyone who knows anything about , plz ANSWER THIS QUESTION !!!!?

I read a study somewhere that said that only about 30 percent of women experience through . SO that means that 70% of us don't, perhaps your girlfriend is one o that 70%. As to what you can do, I don't entirely buy that "go masturbate" theory but it CAN help some females get more comfortable with their bodies and learn what feels good for them. She is one of the lucky ones though, it sounds like shes got an amazing boyfriend who wants to be as pleasurable for her as it is for him so with that in mind I say keep experimenting. The next time you are intimate, no , just lie in bed talking and touching and discussing what feels good, try some props no don't go and spend a fortune at a local adult store but things like silk scarves stroked lightly across the skin, ice, melted chocolate...let your imagination run wild.


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